Solana lending platforms (Kamino, MarginFi)
Russet Dormouse
Add support for lending/borrowing transactions on Solana platforms (e.g. Kamino, MarginFi, etc.). Also, add support for leveraged loop/multiply transactions (e.g. Kamino Multiply, Loopscale Loop, etc.)
These transaction types currently show as either a send or a deposit, when they should automatically show as Lend/borrow type transactions
Numerous Locust
use "send to pool" feature you dummy
Russet Dormouse
Numerous Locust Sure, works for basic lending/borrowing txns. What about automatic looping or multiply features of Kamino/Loopscale? Where you can deposit an LST, and withdraw SOL or combination of LST and SOL?
Also, is your preference to not have this automatically integrated? Because for that would personally save a ton of time.