Australian Investor:
Nexo account when loan taken out to acquire asset: app has taken up as asset (done correctly) but credit should be liability to repay to Nexo and not revenue. these transactions are loaned to investor to acquire assets and are not revenue to the investor. I wish it was but sadly it is not..
Daily interest is to come up as an expense (cost of holding assets, or interest in loan to buy asset) and therefore increase of liability. I have not made repayments yet so cannot comment on other treatment.
I am guessing as I have not sold any assets but logic as follows like above…
Sale of assets and impact on loans should not be expenses but reduction in assets and possible reduction in liabilities. This would also decrease liability and not necessarily be an expense. Only the interest would be expense. The purchase and sale of asset is not revenue or expense. Would be asset purchase then realised gain/(loss) depending on cost base of asset at time of sale.
Is this a feature I am using incorrectly or is it something that needs to be looked into further?
This app is fantastic and am proud to be a user.